Most people know me as Doedelz, but my given name is Naomi Carbin. I’m currently 26 year old and living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I recently graduated as graphic designer from Willem de Kooning Academy, in the department of social design.

Through out my studies, I realised I became more fluid to the concept of what graphic design meant for me. Graphic design, for me, is a communication tool which I can use to raise awareness about social topics that play a big part in our current society. I raise awareness by focussing on speculative and conceptual design. All my projects start with a deep rooted urge to conduct research. From deep rooted to obsessive sometimes, which always results in a theoretical part with a visual outcome. I see myself as a futurologist, who likes to think ahead of time & who doesn’t get limited by her imagination. Will it stay speculative or is it something that can be realised with the right tools and people?

Within my work as a graphic designer, I always get inspiration from my direct environment and my work is often a direct response to the thing I question or am fascinated about. I always find a way to connect certain aspects to each other that you would not expect.

Next to this practice, I have a passion for hand lettering and illustrating, which is something I need from time to time to create a dynamic workflow but also to let off some steam. Within my illustrations it’s always something with a deeper meaning, that connects to me personally or a fascination in that moment of time.

I: @doedelz_
For navigating my portfolio: scroll to the right for my free work and down for my projects!

Invisible planets was about a science fiction story, where interstellar traveling became possible. We were challenged to create an analogue version of Invisible planets, to use our experience on how we imagined the worlds to look like and at who it could be aimed.

I decided to create a story with a persona, who left behind a travel diary for her blind sister. She wanted to create a way in which her sister could 'experience' these travels in a way as if she were there. She would collect items that represented the places she visited along her travelling. These items were attached within the book to also create an extra layer of reading, to fuel the imagination of her sister also. Both stories are also created with different paper since they took place in 2 different worlds. Invisible planets made on a lighter and sustainable paper since it was more nature focussed. The items attached within this story were therefore also more nature focuses such as flowers. Unfolding Beijing evolved a lot about buildings and concrete, which resulted on a more heavier weight paper. What reminded me most about this story were also the details and emphasise they put on describing smells and food. This led to more food and smell related items that were attached.

The aim of this project was to experiment with a material to your choosing, and to create either a tool or method for graphic designers. I wanted to use beeswax as material, to be a tool to heal the body and mind of a graphic designer. As a graphic designer I wanted to use my own position as inspiration to create what needed to be healed at that moment. The saturated meltdown is a healing packaging, in which the designer is given a beeswax candle (aromatherapy) in combination with a guide on how to release stress. The beeswax candle is to be burned on top of a stressful situation/project (picture) and to place this on the metal place (delivered with the package). This would result in 'releasing' that stress and to be left with a totem that would remind the graphic designer that it is behind the. This was inspired by the: write something down on paper and burn it away.


The project (Ge)maal op Zuid was an initiative by me and 2 classmates where we wanted to do something back for the people who lived in the Afrikaanderwijk in Rotterdam. This neighbourhood knows a lot of poverty but has a lot of small and interesting things happening nonetheless. one of these is the community centre Gemaal op Zuid. This community centre offers various jobs for those who have a talent but cant find work. A good example is the fashion team who work on repairs or create clothing for a small price people can buy.

During our research we noticed there there was a strong sense of community, local products but also the food waste created during the market days. We wanted to find a way where these could all be combined, to create something the neighbourhood could need.
We decided to organise, design and set up a concept for the community centre. During the day we would go out in the market and talk to the market people that if they had food left at the end of the day, if we could come pick it up. With this food we worked closely together with the kitchen team from het Gemaal, to create food from food waste. The missing ingredients were bought at the local shops in the neighbourhood.

In the end we created a full 3-course meal. We invited people from the local food banks, since we concluded they could enjoy a meal like this the most.


Within my New earth minor, I got strongly influenced by the thoughts... What if earth becomes uninhabitable one day? How will we provide ourselves with food if this becomes reality? I started researching what food sources might survive such a future, where the earth becomes uninhabitable due to climate change.

One of these food sources was lichen. A micro-organism that lives in symbiosis with each other. A fungus and algae. Somehow this didnt feel like enough, what else could there be done with such an interesting micro organism. Can it maybe help humanity in other ways besides being a nutrient? This is when I started to speculate on human enhancement through bio-hacking. I wanted to offer this as a tool to help humanity survive, not save. What I was really looking into, was the evolution of men through a symbiotic relationship with lichen and to be specific, help us let go of our selfish ego part. The selfish ego part that helped destroy earth.

For my minor project I only focused on creating a research document that resulted in a book publication of my theory, supported by biological and scientific facts. Next to this I wanted to create a visualisation of how it might look like in the future, to serve as a talking piece. I wanted to discuss this theory and what people might think of it. What are the ethological boundaries of remaining human? 

my projects cast a glimpse on how our future might look like after a climate apocalypse, where we are urged to look at new solutions for our survival.


I found there was so much more potential within my minor project, that I decided to continue with this for my graduation. I went more in dept in the theory (biological, scientific) and drew inspiration from various places, like my own indigenous heritage to create a ritual that would show how the symbiosis worked. Every component in the ritual has lichen involved with a different purpose.

Migration of lichen is a human-lichen symbiosis to evolve humanity, meant as a tool to survive the coming harsh environment, caused by climate change.

This design fiction is meant to evoke emotion about our current climate discourse. To imagine an earth that might become uninhabitable due to our climate. The aim of my research (publication) was to evoke emotion on our current climate crisis, to propose a tool for our survival that will evolve our future thinking.


Redesign of packaging for Green Banana

Mural typography design for a hairdresser located in Rotterdam

7m long mural in collaboration with Anaton. Mural was made in the basement of the VU medical hospital in Amsterdam.
Freelance projects